Our Mission


Spatial Big Data Technology Corp Limited was founded to provide professional services of how to build, design and customize an Advanced Five Dimension System (A5DS™, 5D – 3D + Time+ Prediction Model) to host, manage and visualize large volumes of either static & dynamic spatial big data sets from various IoT sensor sources in complex formats. We are also experienced in productive integration between BIM, Asset/Facility Management and A5DS™ by modern VR/AR/MR technology.


Making decision and budget plan more efficient!

We define ourselves as Technology Consultant to help our partners and customers to not only migrate historical data from legacy systems to the new-built big data warehouse but also help to design data mining models to get various trend flow charts or scoring graph for urgent decision making references of critical systems and for future business intelligence of advanced cost/budget planning.


Connecting the new with the existing investments.


Thus we always help to design a workable and practical Big Data Visualize Solution together with few different brands of products (new purchases or upgrades) and reasonable data flows to address customers’ requirements and respect(make use of) customers’ existing investment on software and hardware.


Building 3D city model.

Additionally, we also introduce faster, cost-effective and high precision geospatial data collection solutions to build up 3D city models.
